Wednesday, August 23, 2006


So i decided to take on Maat this morning!

I was all geared up ready so i went in ftw, can came out a winner! Here are some pictures and a description of how i won :)

Maat 1/1

I took Opo-opo Necklace, Blink Band, Sole Sushi, 15x Hi-Pots, 4x Sleep Potion and an Icarus Wing.

Slept myself to 100% and then Absorb-VIT to start the fight. I then used "Last Resort" and Guillotine, Icarus Wing and Guillotine again. At this point he was down to below half his HP. Maat then 2 houred, so i stunned and two houred also using Souleater at the same time. I used my Hi-Pots along the way to stop myself going below 50% HP. I then built up to 100% TP and Guillotined again FTW! I came out with 186HP >< and 4 Hi-Pots :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats mate, sounds like you did a number on Maat.

Just gotta get to 75 now :)

10:00 AM


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