Monday, August 21, 2006


Here are 18 pics of me in the game so far. Sadley these are all I have but I am going to make sure that I take more of exp and events from now on! Enjoy.

Lovley imp EXP for the first 2 pictures.

On the boat to Nashmau.

Ding! Lvl 70! /cheer

Me and Rarehero in Whitegate, he wouldnt let me take the picture unless I held his hand :)

Me and Mariaj in jeuno

New NM in Besieged

This is me and my LS doing Zilart!

Mount Zhayolm exp party all dead ><

Pics of me, Rarehero and Tsingtao, not sure what we were doing :o

Next 3 are of me farming for silk :)

My first big purchase my lvl59 Vassago's Scythe! 1.1million!

These next two pictures are of me exp'in in Cape Teriggan, still had the silly hat as I wasnt high enough for my AF1 Head.

Here is me, Mosley and Yenyoju in Castle Zvahl Baileys farming for a chest key for my AF1.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some nice pics there Tickle. I see they are lacking just one thing... Me! ^_^

8:21 AM


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